Pursuant to the decision of the Capital Market Commission Nr.3/387/19.6.2006 which amends its decision Nr.1/380/4.5.2006 and pursuant to the provisions of the article Nr.53 para.2 of L.3371/2005, concerning the sale of registered shares, GEK S.A., further to its announcement dated 2/6/2006, informs its shareholders who hold registered shares in physical form or depository certificates that the deadline for the submission of these shares to the Company's Shareholders Department, Messogeion Ave. 85, Athens, is extended until October 20, 2006. Along with the submission of the shares, the shareholders must present documentation of their account in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS). After October 31, 2006, all shares that have not been dematerialized will be liquidated via the Athens Stock Exchange on a date to be determined following approval by the Capital Market Commission. The net result of the liquidation, after the deduction of all expenses and taxes, will be deposited on behalf of the beneficiaries with the Deposits and Loan Funds. After the completion of the sale of the totality of the shares, the Company will inform its beneficiary shareholders of the result of the sale and of the amount that will have been deposited on their behalf as well as of the procedures required for the collection of the amount. For clarification and further information, those interested are requested to contact the Company's Shareholders Department (tel. Mrs. Katerina Mavidou 210 6968427, or Mrs. Mary Theotokatou 210 6968429) during working hours.