
The Company GEK S.A., already possessor of the shares equivalent at percentage 49% of the company VI.PA. THESSALONIKIS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PARK KATO GEFYRA THESSALONIKIS SOCIETE ANONYME, announces that it signed on 29/12/05 an Agreement for the transfer, from the company MEL S.A., of an additional percentage of shares of the company equivalent at 49% of its shares, to itself . On 30/12/2005 GEK also signed an Agreement for the transfer, from Mr. Pavlos Manolopoulos, of the rest percentage of shares of the company equivalent at 2% of its shares, to itself. The total amount of the above transfers came up to 597.782.66 Euro.

Following the above acts our Company now possesses a percentage 100% of the Share Capital of the company VI.PA THESSALONIKIS S.A.
The company VI.PA THESSALONIKIS S.A. has already at his possession a plot of 562.000 m2 in the area Kato Gefyra in Thessaloniki , whereas it has signed a preliminary contract for purchase of additional 117.000 m2 in the said area , where it will proceed to the development of the Industrial Park (VIPA), according to the relevant decision of the Minister of Development.