
MYTILINEOS GROUP S.A. announces that, according to article 279 of the Athens Stock Market (ASM) Regulation, and following the decision of the Annual General Meeting of its shareholders on May 16 2006, the divident for fiscal year 2005 shall be 0.40 euro per share. Beneficiaries of the above dividend are those who posessed company shares at the end of the Athens Stock Market's session of May 17 2006. Termination day of this right is Thursday, May 18, 2006. Thus, from this date and on, the company's shares shall be traded at the ASM without a dividend right. The dividend shall be paid on May 29 2006 by EFG EUROBANK Ergasias bank S.A., as follows:
1. Through the SAT operators and according to article 329 of ASM's Regulation and the article 39 of the Central Security Depository's regulation.
2. Through the branches of EFG EUROBANK Ergasias S.A. branch, for those shareholders who have requested an exemption from their SAT operator or have their shares in a special share account or for shares kept in share accounts of investors who have not appeared.
3. Through an account credit at EFG EUROBANK Ergasias S.A. bank for those shareholders who have authorized EFG EUROBANK Ergasias S.A. bank to collect their dividend.
Dividends may be collected until 31/12/2011 after giving the investor's share account SAT code and showing a police ID, either in person or through a legally authorized representative. For additional information, shareholders may contact the company's Shareholder Service Department, tel. 210 68 77 389, 5-7 Patroklou street, Paradisos Amarousiou, 151 25.