
Please be informed of the following regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of FRIGOGLASS S.A.I.C., which took place on 30 December 2005. Shareholders representing 27,363,013 shares, out of a total number of 40,000,000, or 68.4% of the Company's share capital were present or represented and voted at the Meeting.

In the absence of the expected legislation regulating the matter, the shareholders unanimously decided not to vote on the items of the Agenda which have as follows:

1. Increase of the Company's share capital through capitalisation of part of the special reserve account "issuance of shares at a price above par value", increase of the nominal value of the Company's shares and amendment of art. 3 para. 1 of its Articles of Association.
2. Decrease of the Company?s share capital by the same amount, through a reduction of the nominal value of the shares, in order to set-off losses which resulted from the first application of the International Financial Reporting Standards (Change of Accounting Principles) and amendment of art. 3 para. 1 of its Articles of Association.
3. Codification of the Articles of Association in a single document.