
The Board of Directors of the trading company JUMBO SA informs the investors that the First Repeat Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the company, that was held on 03.05.2006, has decided, among other issues, to increase its share capital by the amount of euro 44,452,729.20 through the capitalization of the following reserves: a) of the total extraordinary reserves by the amount of euro 41,033,060.66 and b) part of the difference from the issue of shares above par of the amount of euro 3,419,668.54. The increase of the share capital will be partly realized by the amount of euro 30,308,679.00, through the increase of the nominal value of the existing 50,514,465 shares of the company from euro 0.80 to euro 1.40 per share by the remaining amount euro 14,144,050.20, and the issue of 10,102,893 new common nominal shares, of a nominal value of euro 1.40 each, which will be freely distributed at the beneficiary shareholders of the company at a proportion of 2 new shares for 10 old ones. After the above increase the total share capital of the company comes up to the amount of euro 84,864,301.20, divided into 60,617,358 shares, of a nominal value of euro 1.40 each. The Ministry of Development, under the number Κ2-6817/09.05.2006 decision, has approved the amendment of the relevant article 5 par. Α' of the Articles of Statute of the company. The Board of Directors of the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) at its meeting on 18.05.2006 has approved the introduction to negotiation of the 10,102,893 new free shares and was informed about the above change of the nominal value of the share. Following the above, it is specified that the beneficiaries of the new free shares at a proportion of two (2) new shares for ten (10) old ones will be the shareholders of JUMBO SA at the end of the meeting of the ASE on 23.05.2006. As of 24.05.2006, the shares of JUMBO SA will be negotiable at the ASE without the right to receive free shares and with a new nominal value of euro 1.40 per share. It is clarified that the value of the share of the trading company JUMBO SA will be adapted on 24.05.2006, according to the Regulation of ASE, as it is applied. The credit of the new free shares at the accounts of the beneficiary shareholders at the Intangible Securities System will be on 31.05.2006. The same day the negotiation of the new shares at ASE will start, having as a result that the total number of the under negotiation shares of JUMBO SA comes up to 60,617,358 shares of a nominal value of euro 1.40 per share. With regard to the fractional remainders that result from the above issue of free shares, the provided by the legislation in force will be abided. For more information the shareholders can be informed by the relevant form of the article 4 of the L. 3401/2005, which has been submitted by the Capital Market Commission and the Athens Stock Exchange and it is available as of 17.05.2006 at a paper and electronic form at the webpage of the ASE and at the webpage of the company at Internet ( www.jumbo.gr), they can also address for every information to the Shareholders Service of the company (tel. 210-4805267, Mrs. Katerina Papaevangellou).