
We inform you that the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting (GSM) that took place on the 22/6/2006 in Alumil headquarters (Kilkis Industrial Area), unanimously voted for a Euro 0.013 per share dividend payout, representing approximately 8% on earnings after tax. Shareholders entitled to dividend are those who own Alumil shares on Monday, 10/7/2006. From Tuesday 11/7/2006, Alumil shares will be trading without the 2005 dividend right. Dividend payout is held through "PIRAEUS BANK S.A." from Wednesday, 19/07/2006 as follows: 1. Via Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) members according to article 329 of the ASE Regulation and article 39 of the Central Securities Depository. 2. Via PIRAEUS BANK network, for shareholders requested exemption from their custodian. 3. For all shareholders who were not served through their custodian - for any reason - dividend shall be distributed from Tuesday 25/07/2006, via PIRAEUS BANK network. Dividend payout ending date from PIRAEUS BANK is set on 21/7/2008. For shareholders whose custodian is PIRAEUS BANK, dividend payment will be automatically credited to their account. After dividend payout ending date from PIRAEUS BANK, dividend will be paid from Alumil Thessaloniki offices only, Egnatia Building, Democracy Square 1, Thessaloniki, 54629. Shareholders entitled to dividend are expected to present their ID card and their Social Security Number (S.S.N.) in any PIRAEUS BANK branch for the best possible service. Direct payment through custodians from authorized entities is also available, only upon presentation of the relative authorization with shareholders and authorized entity's full personal data (Full name, father's name, ID number & S.S.N.), signed from the Hellenic Police or other relative Hellenic Authority. Shareholders and authorized entities will receive relative dividend payment certification for tax authorities use and purposes from their custodians. Custodians, i.e. Banks and Brokerage firms are directed to address queries to PIRAEUS BANK, Custodian Support Sector, Tel. 0030210 3288747, Contact Person: Mr. George Altis. For shareholders who have changed their personal data, address, etc. and for every other query, please address to Alumil Shareholders Service department. Tel. +30 2310 555405, Fax: +30 2310 555425, Contact Person: Mrs. Kleopatra Milona, E-mail: