
The Board of Directors of Marfin Financial Group, decided on Thursday 29 December 2005 the issue of 992.000 new shares of nominal value 8,26 euro each, due to the exercise of the rights of the stock option holders (members of the Board of Directors and of the personnel of the company and affiliated companies), based on the decisions of the Shareholders' Meetings as of 22.11.2004 and 23.3.2005 and the decisions of the Board of Directors as of 12.1.2005, 25.4.2005 and 15.12.2005 according to the Article 13 Para. 9 of Codified Law 2190/1920 with strike price at 8.27 euros per share and share capital increase for the company of 8.193.920 euros.

Specifically, were exercised stock option rights for 992.000 shares from a total of 38 persons, according to the decision of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the company as of 23.3.2005 and the decisions of the Board of Directors as of 25.4.2005 and 15.12.2005 and the company received the total amount of 8.203.840 euros. The total share premium value of the above new shares will be included in the share premium account of the company.

After the above share capital increase, which according to Article 13 Para. 9 of Codified Law 2190/1920 does not constitute amendment in the Articles of Association of the company, the share capital of the company will be 421.193.920 euros and will be divided in 50.992.000 shares of nominal value of 8.26 euros each.

Further, the Board of Directors in it?s meeting on Thursday 29 December 2005, certified the payment of the above share capital increase of the company.

The company will follow the relevant procedure for the listing of the above shares in the Athens Stock Exchange and will inform the public accordingly.