
The Board of Directors of the Societe Anonyme Company under the corporate name "PHILIPPOS NAKAS S.A. MUSIC HOUSE", according to its resolution of 09/02/2006 and in implementation of article 329 / paragraph 3 of the A.S.E. Regulation, announces the following:

- Beneficiaries of dividend, for the fiscal year 01.07.2004 - 30.06.2005, are the shareholders who are owners of the company's shares at the closing of A.S.E trading session on 10th of February 2006. Since February 13th 2006, cutting day, the shares will be traded without the right of dividend's collection.
- The net amount of dividend per share is 0,19 Euros.
- It is underligned that beneficiaries of dividend are the owners of shares according to the company's shareholders list on February 16th 2006 and according to the files of the Central Depository.
- The payment of dividend will begin on the 21st of February 2006 from the paying bank "THE NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE", through the following methods:
1. Through the authorized operators in the D.D.S. and according to the new regulation as identified in article 329 of A.S.E. Regulation and article 39 of Central Depository Regulation and have been accepted into a special distribution agreement between the paying bank and the authorized operators in the D.D.S.
2. Through the subsidiaries of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE for those shareholders who have asked for an exeption from their operator in D.D.S.
3. The shareholders that, for various reasons, cannot collect the dividend through their authorized operators, they can collect it on February 28th 2006 through the subsidiaries of the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE.
- The shareholders in cases 2 & 3 will be able to collect their dividend until the 20th of February 2007 showing their I.D. card and their C.N.I.S. (Code Number of Investor Share) either personally or through their legally authorized representative.
- After the 20th of February 2007, the collection of the dividend will be possible only at the company's headquarters.

For any further information, the shareholders may contact the company's Investor Relations dept.: Mrs. Filothei Lapsani, tel.: 210 6686000 or Mr. Elias Dimitriou, responsible in the Dividends Dept. at the NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, 6 Karageorgi Servias str., 3rd floor, Athens to the telephone numbers: 210 3340613, 2103340615, Fax 210 3340633.