
Attica Holdings S.A. announces that, on March 21, 2006, it has contracted to sell to AS Tallink Grupp its ice-class Ro-Pax vessels Superfast VII, Superfast VIII and Superfast IX for a total cash consideration of Euro 310 million. Pending legal and regulatory procedures, the transaction will close within April 2006. Attica will maintain its presence in the Baltic Sea with the operation of its two Ro-Ro vessels that are trading between Rostock, Germany and Uusikaupunki, Finland.

Commenting on the sale, Mr. Alexander Panagopulos, CEO of Attica Group said: "With this agreement, the Superfast operation in the Baltic Sea, which we launched and ran successfully since May 2001, is handed over to Tallink Grupp who intend to expand it".

Mr. Enn Pant, Chairman of the Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp said: "We are delighted to conclude this transaction with Attica Group allowing us to launch a route to Germany, as part of Tallink's ongoing aggressive strategy".

For more information please contact:
Attica Group
Mr. Yannis Criticos
Member of the Board
tel.: +30 210 891 9500
fax : +30 210 891 9509,