
Starting January 18 2006, Mytilineos Group's organization is being reinforced by the arrival of Mr Dinos Benroubi who undertook both the administration of the Defence sector and the CEO position of the Greek Vehicle Industry S.A. (ELVO). Mr Evangelos Mytilineos, president of Mytilineos Group, remains as vice-president in ELVO's BOD.

Mr. Dinos Benroubi has a long experience in the industry sector, mainly through his long position as a member of the Administrative Committee of the TITAN Concrete Group of companies. During the last two years he occupied the General Manager's position in the Greek Aluminum Industry S.A. (ELVAL).

Mr. Benroubi shall be responsible for the development, maximization, and profitability of the Group's Defense Sector. This position will also allow him to participate in the Group's Executive Committee.

Mr. Benroubis' addition closes all four positions of the Operating Division Heads.

We would like to remind that head of the Metallurgy and Mining sector is Mr Sp. Kasdas, head of the Energy sector is Dr I. Desipris, and head of the EPC sector is Mr George Pallas.