
Marfin Financial Group announces the following:

After the perusal of several particularly flattering proposals, Mr. V. Theoharakis and the other basic shareholders of EGNATIA BANK decided to accept the proposal of Marfin Financial Group for strategic alliance targeting the consolidation in the mid cap banks in Greece. In accordance with the agreement. basic shareholders of EGNATIA will facilitate MARFIN to acquire more shares in EGNATIA by selling a number of common shares so that the final percentage of Marfin will end up being min. 34% and max 49% of the total.

In the context of the alliance between Mr. V. Theoharakis and MARFIN, several announcements will follow in due time on the several issues which are today under detailed discussion and consideration, namely:
1. Restructuring of the Board of Directors of EGNATIA BANK under the chairmanship of Mr. V. Theoharakis.
2. The amount and the terms of a share capital increase of EGNATIA with priority rights in favor of the existing shareholders.
3. The eventual restructuring of the business plan of EGNATIA and,
4. The terms and conditions of EGNATIA's expansion through mergers and acquisitions in cooperation with MARFIN, in order to achieve a sizable consolidation in the mid cap banks in Greece.

The transfer of the shares to MARFIN is expected to be completed within 5 working days at the price of Euro 6,30 per share.

In relation to the above agreement the Vice Chairman of MARFIN F.G. Mr. A. Vgenopoulos issued the following statement: "It is very honoring that Mr. V. Theoharakis selected us as an equal strategic partner. I wish to thank him very much in public and promise that we will work very hard by his side in order to serve and advance the interests of the shareholders, personnel and customers of EGNATIA BANK".