Alpha Bank announces that, following the decision of the Annual General Meeting of 18.4.2006, non- executive Director Mr. Ioannis K. Lyras was also appointed as independent member of the Board of Directors. Consequently, the composition of the Board of Directors remains the same as of 19.4.2005 and with the same authorities, as follows:
Executive Chairman, Mr. Yannis S. Costopoulos.
Managing Director, Mr. Demetrios P. Mantzounis.
Executive Directors and General Managers, Mr. Marinos S. Yannopoulos, Mr. Spyros N. Filaretos and Mr. Artemis Ch. Theodoridis.
Vice Chairman, Mr. Andreas L. Canellopoulos.
Members, Mr. George E. Agouridis, Mr. Paul G. Karakostas, Mr. Nicholaos I. Manessis, Mr. Minas G. Tanes and Ms Sophia G. Eleftheroudaki.
NON-EXECUTIVE INDEPENDENT MEMBERS Mr. Pavlos A. Apostolides, Mr. Thanos M. Veremis and Mr. Ioannis K. Lyras.