Following the publication of the financial statements for the year 2005, the management of TECHNICAL OLYMPIC S.A announces that, on a consolidated basis, the turnover of its Group amounted to euro 2.101,7 million as compared to euro 1.864,1 million in 2004, a 12,7% increase. Taking into account the turnover of the joint ventures controlled by the Group, which is not included in the balance sheets, then total turnover amounted to euro 2.936,5 million. On a consolidated basis, profits after taxes and after the deduction of minority interests were euro 134,9 million as compared to euro 64,7 million in 2004, showing a 108,5% increase, while profits before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to euro 272,8 million as compared to euro 168,6 million, a 61,8% increase. On a corporate basis, the turnover for the year 2005 amounted to euro 1,6 million, while profits after taxes amounted to euro 3,0 million, as compared to euro 5,1 million and euro 12,1 million (losses) in 2005 respectively. Regarding the published financial statements for the year 2005 of "MOCHLOS S.A", the Group?s construction company, its turnover amounted to euro 327,9 million, as compared to euro 374,4 million in 2004. For the year 2005, the company showed losses of euro 21,3 million, as compared to profits of euro 8,5 million in 2004. This is mainly attributable to the implementation of I.F.R.S. for the first time, based on which account receivables, exceeding euro 20 million, derived from works and other projects related to the Olympics were not included in the financial statements. The projects have not become contractual yet as the owner of them has not secured the respective financing.