Announcement 2nd Interest Period of the Convertible Bond Loan

According to the terms of the Convertible Bond Loan of “MARFIN INVESTMENT GROUP HOLDINGS S.A.” issued on 29.7.2013 (hereinafter “the CBL”), January 29th, 2014 is the record date for the beneficiaries of interest of the CBL for the 2nd   Interest Period from 29.10.2013 to 29.1.2014.

For Tranche A the interest amount for the 2nd Interest Period amounts up to EUR 38,583.48, i.e. EUR 0.017889  per bond (before tax), which has been calculated at an annual interest rate of 7% and corresponds to 2,156,827 bonds currently trading on “Hellenic Exchanges – Athens Stock Exchange S.A.” (Helex).

For Tranche B the interest amount for the 2nd Interest Period amounts up to EUR 3,426,873.17, i.e. EUR 0.016100 per bond (before tax), which has been calculated at an annual interest rate of 6.3% and corresponds to 212,849,265 bonds currently trading on Helex.

The accrued interest will be paid to the bondholders on 30.1.2014.