LAMDA Development S.A. announces that the trading in the Athens Exchange of the 144.647 new common registered shares of the Company commences on Monday 13 January 2014. These shares were issued in accordance with the recent share capital increase of euro 43.394,10 due to the exercise of stock option rights by members of the Board of Directors and Company employees and its subsidiaries, in the sense of article 42e of L.2190/1920 for totally 13 beneficiaries as follow
- 8 beneficiaries at the exercise price of 2,5euro for 88.950 common shares of the Company, of a nominal value of euro 0,30 each,
- 1 beneficiary at the exercise price of 4,5 euro for 43.001 common shares of the Company, of a nominal value of euro 0,30 each,
- 4 beneficiaries at the exercise price of 2,3 euro for 12.696 common shares of the Company, of a nominal value of euro 0,30 each,
in accordance with the resolutions of the Annual General Meetings of the Shareholders dated 23.06.2006 and 20.05.2010 and the resolution of the Board of Directors dated 1.11.2010.
The above mentioned share capital increase, which does not constitute an amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company, was verified by the Board of Directors of the Company on 17.12.2013 and thereafter registered in the Registry of Societes Anonymes by decision Κ2-7623/23-12-2013 of the Ministry of Development. The Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange in its meeting held on 3.1.2014 approved the admission to trading of the above 144.647 new common registered shares of the Company.
By decision of the Company, Monday 13 January 2014 is set out to be commencement date for the trading of the new shares in the Athens Exchange. As from the above date the opening trading price of the shares in the Athens Exchange shall be established according to the Athens Exchange's Rulebook and Decision 26 of the Athens Exchange Board of Directors and the new shares shall have been credited in the share accounts and the securities accounts of the beneficiary shareholders in the Dematerialized Securities System (D.S.S.).
For further information, the shareholders may resort to the relevant document of Law 3401/2005, which is available as a hardcopy copy at the Company's offices at 37A Kifissias Ave, 151 23 Maroussi as well as in electronic form on LAMDA Development's website ( and on Athens Exchange's ( or contact the Company's Shareholder's Service (210 7450600) during working hours.