The sales of the parent company DROMEAS AVEEA evolved for the third quarter of 2013 with a satisfactory increase of 47,72 %.


  • The turnover of the parent company showed an increase of 2.792 thous. €, or 43,85  % , compared to the corresponding period of last year,  since it closed from 6,37 mil. € in 2012, to 9,12  mil. €  in 2013 . In the same period the personnel costs, salaries, benefits and third party expenses increased by 9 % or 350 thous. €, the depreciation by 1,6 % or 16 thous. € while the financial costs by 27,7 % or 283 thous.€ due to the charge of organizing and management costs of the syndicated loan.
  • Similarly, the turnover of the Group showed an increase of 3.046 thous. € or 47,72 % compared to the corresponding period of last year, since it closed from 6,38 mil. € in 2012, to 9,43  mil. €  in 2013.
  • The revenues EBIDTA of the company in the nine month period in 2013 reached the amount of 2.875 thous. € versus 1.257 thous. € in 2012  recording an increase of 128,72  %, while the corresponding ones of the Group amounted to 3.288 thous. € in 2013, versus 1.194 thous. € in 2012, recording an increase of 175,37 %.
  • The pre-tax results were positive for the parent company, amounting to 644 thous. € versus losses -658 thous. € of the last year period and the corresponding results of the Group were profits of  947 thous. € versus losses -831 thous. €  for the corresponding use of last year.