
In order to update the investing public, we would like to announce that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of our company''s shareholders that took place on Friday, 30.03.2007, 15:00, at the company''s main offices located at 9 Kyprou Road, Moschato, Attiki, in which were present and represented 68 shareholders, who own 34.530.171 of a total of 60.617.358 shares, i.e. a percentage of 56,96 % of the company''s paid over equity capital, the following decision was made from the majority of 56,29%:
The modification of the decision to issue a Joint Bonded Loan of L.3156/2003, article 6, as to its maximum amount, which will sum up from 125,000,000 Euro to 145,000,000 Euro, that was taken on the 06.12.2006 in the shareholder''s General Assembly