ΜΥΤΙLINEOS HOLDINGS S.A. wishes to announce that the Prefecture of Eastern Attika approved (reg. nr. EM - 223085/2006) the secession from the Company of the commercial sector of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and its integration to its 100% subsidiary company named THORIKI S.A. METAL PRODUCTION AND TRADE (formerly GENIKI SIDIREMPORIKI S.A.) according to the clauses of laws 2190/1920 and 2166/1993, and based on the property of this sector, as it is reflected in the Financial Statement of 30.06.2006 and the registration of the relevant decisions of the Repetitive General Assemblies of 25.9.2006 to the Joint-Stock Companies'' Registry of the local authorities. Also, the Ministry of Development approved, with its K2-13990/2006 decision, the modification of the Company''s activity sectors, according to the decision of the Repetitive General Assembly on 25.9.2006, which was also registered to the Joint-Stock Companies'' Registry of the local authority. The Company also announces that the Informative Note concerning the secession of the commercial sector of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and its integration to its 100% subsidiary company named THORIKI S.A. METAL PRODUCTION AND TRADE (formerly GENIKI SIDIREMPORIKI S.A) according to article 287 of the Athens Stock Market''s regulations and the provisions of nr. 33/24.11.2005 decision of the ASM''s BOD, is available (as it was presented at the ASM''s BOD session of 1.1.2006) from the Company''s and the ASM''s websites.