from 17/08/2006 up to 31/08/2006
from 17/08/2006 up to 25/08/2006
The "JUMBO COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME" Board of Directors advises Messrs.
Shareholders of the following:
Issuance of Convertible Bonded Loan, non Negotiable on ASE General Terms:
Type of Bonds: Registered, convertible to ordinary registered issuer's shares
Number of Bonds convertible to ordinary shares: 4,243,215
Bonds' nominal value: 10 Euro
Bonds' selling price: 10 Euro per Bond
Holding ratio of existing shareholders in the issuance: 1 bond per 15 ordinary registered shares
Anticipated income from issuance: 42,432,150.00 Euro
In case the Loan is not fully covered by the existing shareholders and/or by third investors, the issuance shall rise up to the paid up amount.
Duration: 7 years.
Interest rate: 0.1% annually
Return on maturity: 39.62%
Bonds' redemption price: 13.962 EURO.
Conversion price: 9.52 EURO.
Conversion ratio: 1.050420168 ordinary registered shares with voting rights, each with nominal value of 1.40 Euro, per 1 bond convertible to ordinary shares.
Beneficiary of the pre-emption rights are the Shareholders who will be registered in the Company's shareholders' register upon completion of the ASE session dated 07.08.2006.
The 08.08.2006 is set as cut off date of the pre-emption right in the issuance of the Convertible Bonded Loan with pre-emption right for the existing shareholders. From the same date 08.08.2006, the opening price of the company's shares on ASE will be determined in conformity with the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation.
The exercise period of the pre-emption right for the issuance of the Convertible Bonded Loan with pre-emption right for the existing shareholders is set from 17.08.2006 up to 31.08.2006.
The pre-emption rights are transferable and will trade on ASE. The rights' admission to dealings in the ASE transactions' electronic system coincides with the opening of their exercise period. The expiration of the rights' trading on the ASE transactions' electronic system shall take place 4 work days prior to the expiration of the rights' exercise (up to 25.08.2006). The rights are credited to each beneficiary's account at the Paperless Clearing System (SAT) on the opening date of the pre-emption right exercise. The exercise of the pre-emption right shall be conducted during work days and hours at all "EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A." branches.
To exercise his pre-emption right, each shareholder should produce: a) Identity card, b) Original Share-Blocking Certificate for Pre-emption Right, c) Print-out of the beneficiary shareholder's SAT details, and state his VAT number.
Upon registration, Messrs Shareholders or their authorized representatives shall pay the bonds' value (10 Euro per bond) either in cash, or through blocking of their account in "EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A.", in which the corresponding consideration shall be deposited and blocked. These accounts shall be debited with the value of the bonds on expiration of the rights' exercise.
Should the issuance of the Convertible Bonded Loan not be covered by the existing shareholders, eventual indisposed balances of the Loan shall be freely sold, at the discretion of the Company's Board of Directors. Through a new announcement, the company shall notify the investing public of the Convertible Bonded Loan's coverage percentage.
The new Bonds to be issued shall be corporeal. The delivery of the corporeal bonds to the beneficiaries shall be conducted on a date to be advised through a new announcement by the company.
The bulletin on the issuance of the Convertible Bonded Loan with Pre-emption Right of the Existing Shareholders, as approved by the Capital Market Committee BoD (Meeting of 02.08.2006), is made available at the premises of "JUMBO COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME", at 9, Kyprou & Hydras streets, 18346 Moschato, tel.. 2104805200, and, in electronic format, on either the ASE website (, or the company's one (
For eventual clarifications or information, Messrs Shareholders may contact the premises of "JUMBO COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME", at 9, Kyprou & Hydras streets, 18346 Moschato, tel. 2104805267, during work days and hours (09.00 to 17.00).