
"Lampsa Hellenic Hotels S.A." announces that the General Assembly of the company on June 30th 2006, decided the capital increase of company''s share capital for an amount of euro 427.280,00, capitalizing amount of readjustment of assets value.
The share capital increase is performed by increasing the share value from euro 1,10 to euro 1,12.
After the capital increase, the share capital of the company will reach the amount of euro 23.927.680,00, devided to 21.364.000 common registered shares of a value of 1,12 each.
The Ministry Of Development approved the amendment of the article of association of the company with the desicion No K2-17645 / 19.12.2006. The Board Of Directors of Athens Exchange S.A. was informed at the meeting of January 4th 2007, for the desicion of the company''s General Assembly for the increase of the share value of company''s shares.
From Wednesday January 10th 2007 the company''s shares will be negotiable in Athens Exchange with the new value of euro 1,12 per share.
For more information, company''s shareholders are kindly requested to contact company''s Shareholder''s Service Depertment (mr Kyriakos, tel. 0030-210-3330840).