Pursuant to the Capital Market Committee BoD resolution no. 13/375/17.03.2006, the company "JUMBO COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME" announces the following to the investing public:
From the latest share capital increase decided through the A' Repeat Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting resolution, dated 03.05.2006, following capitalization of reserves and distribution of stock split (ratio of 2 new shares for every 10 old ones), accrued 928 new shares from fractional balances, which correspond to 1,802 shareholders. According to the provision under Law 2396/1996, par. 2, article 44a, as added through article 53 of Law 3371/2005 (Official Journal no. Α 178/14.7.2005), the owners of such fractional balances are granted a six-month period from the shares' listing to either sell them or acquire the remaining fractional rights to form whole share units. Should the above deadline expire quiescently, the fractional balances are sold care of the company through the Athens Stock Exchange and the proceeds from the sale are allotted to the beneficiary shareholders. In application of this law, the beneficiaries of fractional share balances are invited to declare by 30.11.2006 their intention to either sell or purchase fractions to form whole share units. Order of priority shall be observed to satisfy the relevant requests. To carry out the relevant formal procedure, the beneficiaries of fractional share balances, should present themselves, during work days and hours, before the company's Shareholders' Department, at Moschato (9, Kyprou & Hydras streets, contact person Ms Katerina Papaevaggelou, tel. 2104805267), carrying: a) a copy of the Paperless Clearing System investor account, b) identity card or passport and c) letter of delegation, bearing a certificate on the authenticity of the signature by the competent authority, in case of an authorized representative. The transaction shall be conducted on the same day and the purchase or selling price shall be calculated on the basis of the share's closing market value on the work day prior to the transaction. Following the expiry of the said period and on a date to be specified by the Central Securities Depository, the accounts of the beneficiary shareholders will be credited with the new shares in its Paperless Clearing System (SAT). The shareholders who will not have settled the fractional balances of their shares within the above exclusive period, i.e. up to 30.11.2006, have to bear in mind that these will be sold care of the company and in conformity with the anticipated procedure through the Athens Stock Exchange and that the proceeds from their sale will be allotted to the beneficiaries, via the aforementioned department of the company, during work days and hours.