On the 1st of December the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Athens Medical Center SA took place. In total there were 18 shareholders and shareholders representatives present, representing a total of 49.032.886 shares and voting rights and as a result in the EGM there was 58,382% of the paid up capital present.
The EGM with the above quorum decided the following:
1. Decided (with 58,321% voting in favor, 0,015% against, 0,045% no vote) the bond issue in accordance to L. 3156/2003 upto Euro 150.000.000 and the BoD was authorized to determine the specific terms of the bond issue.
2. Decided (with 58,371% voting in favor, 0,008% no vote) the acquisition of a plot of land at Kifissias and Delfon Str in Maroussi).
There was no decision on the second topic of the agenda regarding the cash share capital increase with no rights issue and the amendment of article 5 of the articles of association. This was due to lack of the sufficient quorum needed at 66,67% in accordance to articles 29 para 3 and 31 para 2 of L. 2190/1920. The BoD will invite shareholders to a new Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting on the 18th of December to vote on this.
For any other information and or clarification shareholders can call on 210.6862454 and on 210.6287245 during office hours.