Ampliation of the agenda's issues and the arrangement of a new meeting on Thursday 20 May 2004, 12:00

The Water Supply & Sewerage Company of Thessaloniki during the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders which took place on 6 May 2004, 12:00, decided, upon a request of the principal shareholder (art.39 par.3 Law 2190) the ampliation of the agenda's issues and the arrangement of a new meeting on THURSDAY 20 May 2004, 12:00 to the same place-Company's Central Premises, 127, Egnatia st., 7th floor-and with the same agenda's issues.

All shareholders have the right of participation and vote, either in person or by delegate, while each share provides the right of one vote.

According to art. 7 par.5 of the memorandum, those shareholders who wish to participate in the General Meeting and vote, should demand from their account manager or from the Central Securities Depository, the blocking of all or a part of their shares and to submit the relevant certificates, together with any authorization documents, to the Share Register Service of the Company (98, Tsimiski st., Thessaloniki, 3rd floor tel. 2310 286-613) at least five (5) days before the day of the meeting.