Amendment of the Ground Rules for the Management and Calculation of Price Indices of the Shares Market.

On its session on May 5, 2003, the ATHEX Board of Directors approved the amendment of the Ground Rules for the Management and Calculation of Price Indices of the Shares Market, in accordance with its decision of 23.12.2002, concerning the development of a high velocity index, Regulation No.95 ''Trading hours for shares listed on the ATHEX'', as well as some additional changes. In this text, all changes are underlined.

In summary, the changes, which pertain to the new index, are the following:

1. The total number of shares that participate in the High Velocity Index is determined as follows: In the new index, either the ''first'' twenty (20) shares of the total number of the candidate shares (which derive from the application of the Ground Rule 4.2) are listed or any shares of the total number of the candidate shares that have a weighed velocity of over 300%.

2. The calculation of a weighing co-efficient for shares that have a capitalization percentage on the total greater than 8% only during the ordinary review.

3. The calculation of a ranking algorithm as follows: Ranking by descending order of the Weighed Velocity, which is calculated as the total daily quotient of the total trading volume (not including share-blocks) of the common share over the market capitalization multiplied by the reciprocal fraction of the free float percentage, as this is announced during the last working day of the semester for which the review is taking place.

4. The Shares of companies that are traded on the New Market (NEHA) are excluded from participating in the High Velocity Index.

Furthermore, other supplementary changes concern the following:

1. The completion of vacant positions of indices between two reviews. The completion will be done according to runner-up shares of the most recent ordinary review provided that nothing important has changed that will disqualify them from participating in the index.

2. The shares that will be traded on a short-term basis will not be able to participate in market and sector indices.