Alumil, once again pioneer, on the first places for the Best Workplaces in Europe 2004' competition.

Alumil participated in the competition 'Best Workplaces in Europe 2004', ( which, for Greece, is organized by A.L.B.A. (Athens Laboratory of Business Administration) and in cooperation with 'Great Place to Work Europe', the newspaper 'To Vima ?' and the magazine 'Oikonomikos Tahidromos'.

Hundreds of companies participated in this year?s competition, 50 Greek companies were selected for evaluation, the best won a distinction and the 10 first ones on the rankings were awarded a prize. The processing of all data collected by the companies takes place in the 'Great Place to Work Institute Europe» in Denmark.

This competition aims to direct Hellenic (Greek), companies? attention to issues related with Human Resource (H.R.), distinguishing the companies who have proven their respect and consideration for their Human Capital, stimulating at the same time all enterprises to become better in terms of HR practices.

Alumil participated for the first time in this competition and has managed to be placed at the 15th position at the rankings, a fact considered to be a great success, as it was evaluated based upon questionnaires the employees filled out, based on their comments (to analyze the working environment), as well as some open questions which were answered by the H.R. Department and dealt with H.R. policies and practices currently in use at a Group Level.

This competition highlights:

a) that the Management style is completely accepted by the employees, b) that Alumil is within the best workplaces in Greece because it has, apart from everything else, a very good working environment, c) that the HR department, in cooperation with all the functions, will keep on working towards improving the working environment, something necessary for the achievement of the corporate as well as individual goals.

ALUMIL S.A. is listed among the top European aluminium extrusion and profiles production group (No 1 in Greece since 2000) creating production sites, large sales networks and warehouses for products targeting architectural & industrial use, shipbuilding, transportation, etc. With 27 subsidiaries, 21 of which are spread throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East, it offers production sites in five Hellenic industrial areas, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Albania. ALUMIL has successfully infiltrated into 45 markets in Europe, the Balkans, the M. East and the U.S.A. A significant competitive advantage remains its widespread sales network in every client-country and in Greece as well. Parent company was founded in 1988 and since 1998 is listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. Included four times in GrowthPlus? Europe?s 500, ALUMIL?s Group sales exceeded euros 135 m in 2002, while net profits (before taxes and minority interests) exceeded euros 12 m.

Alumil Information: Mr Apostolos Papadopoulos-Almeida (IR officer), Tel. +30 2310 555405, Fax: +30 2310 555425, E-mail: