Agricultural Insurance - Press Release

Agricultural Life insurance company has completed the design of two new Unit Linked products, which will be included in the Eurolinked investment programs, aiming at the continual enhancement of their product line as well as providing a greater number of options to their new as well as the old customers regarding investment and savings possibilities for the best possible money value.Following the successful course of the Eurolinked · Life Capital program with annual premiums (recurrent payments) and Life, accident, illness insurance coverage as well as premium payments remission, the two new products include:1. Eurolinked · Life Surplus Value with compound premium. This program's basic characteristics include:a)The compound · lump sum premium and the duration of the program are determined by the Contracted party. b)The Contracted party may choose their investment to be placed in a mutual fund or a combination of two mutual funds, depending on their financial capabilities and the risk they are willing to take. c)Insurance coverage includes: - in the case of death of the insured due to any cause, payment of the value of the Insurance Policy Investment Account (IPIA) or the compound premium if the value of the IPIA is smaller than the compound premium, and - in the case of Death by Accident (DA), payment of an amount equal to the compound premium times two.For children aged up to 18 years old instead of the DA coverage the company offers the Total Permanent Disability (TPD) coverage with an amount equal to the compound premium times two. d) The return on the investment on a long term basis is estimated to be higher as compared to the traditional insurance products. e) Due to the transparency dictated by legislature regarding these programs, the insured party has knowledge of the premium rate which is invested and the expenses baring on his contract as well as the course of their Insurance Policy Investment Account (IPIA) value as it develops through time. The invested amount reaches up to 99.9% of the compound premium.2.Eurolinked · Supplementary InsuranceThis program is provided separately with all life insurance invoices and offers insured customers a combination of the flexibility and yield of the Eurolinked program and the security of the classic programs offering guaranteed interest rates.The Eurolinked · Supplementary Insurance premium is paid jointly with the classic program, while the provision of premium payment remission covers the entire program.All of the Agricultural Life insurance company Eurolinked programs are affiliated with the Agricultural Bank of Greece (ABG) Securities Mutual Funds.a)ABG Capital and Surplus Value (Interior Bonds), b)ABG Income (Interior Bonds), c)ABG International Bonds, d)ABG International Mixed, e)ABG Interior StocksIn the case that the Insurance Policy Investment Account (IPIA) is also joined with the ABG Interior Stocks Mutual Fund, the investment rate in this M/F will not surpass 50% of total investment. The Agricultural Bank of Greece Securities Mutual Funds present high yields with the confidence of the Agricultural Bank of Greece.