2nd Release of the "Elements and Information" for the period 1/1-30/6/2005

PIRAEUS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS S.A. informs the investing public that as of today (25.10.2005) will release again "Elements and Information" of the fiscal period from January 1, 2005 until June 30, 2005 in the Greek newspaper "APOGEVMATINI". The reasons for the 2nd release does not concern changes in the items reported in the "Elements & Information" Statement, that has been originally published, but concern the following:
a) the title "Elements & Information" instead of the "Condensed Financial Information", b) the addition of data in the results of the fiscal periods 01.04-30.06.2005 and 01.04-30.06.2004, c) the report and repercussions of the Chartered Auditor's summary report, d) a restatement of the information pertaining to the transactions of the company with its affiliated parties, according to IAS, e) the date referring to the approval of the statement "Elements & Information" by the BoD of the company. It is noted that as of today, the 2nd release of the "Elements & Information" is being posted on the web site of the company (