2024 confirmed JUMBO's strategy

Considering the serious side effects of the global supply chain disruption, caused by the "closure of Suez", Jumbo Group's management made a pledge to consumers last year not to offer products with circumstantial or opportunistic price increases.


The strategy has paid off, and strengthened the trust between JUMBO and the consumers; evident by an increase in sales volume.


  • In 2024, sales increased by c. +6,3% y-o-y, exceeding the revised budget by management, which called for minimum sales growth of +4%.
  • December 2024, sales upped approximately by +2% y-o-y.


The asymmetric supply chain issues and the inability to deliver products to the stores within specific timeframes affected the entire year, especially in December.


Meanwhile, world trade is facing new problems as instability continues in the Red Sea and the Middle East, the emergence of a new virus and a possible new tariff policy from the US.


Considering the abovementioned, attempting to forecast/budget 2025 is difficult and would lack credibility.


The management of Jumbo believes that the budget/guidance for 2025 would take place after the lapse of the fourth month period.


The management of Jumbo is committed to providing accurate and timely information to its shareholders - partners and will continue to provide sales trading updated monthly.



Sales performance by country:



In December 2024, the net sales of the parent company - excluding intragroup sales – increased by c. 3% y-o-y.

Overall, for 2024 the net sales of the parent company - excluding intragroup sales – increased by c. 6% y-o-y.



The network's sales increased by c. 1% y-o-y in December 2024. Overall, for 2024 the network's sales increased by c. 2% y-o-y.



The network's sales decreased by c. -4% y-o-y in December 2024. Overall, for 2024 the network's sales increased by c. 6% y-o-y.



The network's sales (including the on-line store www.e-jumbo.ro) increased by c. 4% y-o-y in December 2024. Overall, for 2024 sales increased by c. 9% y-o-y.

Investments - Network of stores


For 2025, the Group plans to open another hyper-store in Romania.


In 2024, the Group's started a new owned hyper store in Oradea (Romania), a new owned hyper store in Bucharest (Romania) and a new owned hyper store in Nicosia (Cyprus).


In addition, the fully renovated Jumbo hyper stores in Karditsa and Larissa, which remained closed due to the unprecedented flooding event in early September 2023, became operational.


As of 31 December 2024, the Jumbo Group had 88 stores, of which 53 in Greece, 6 in Cyprus, 10 in Bulgaria and 19 in Romania.


The Group also has online stores in Greece, Cyprus, and Romania.


Through partnerships, the Group is present in 7 countries (Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, Montenegro and Israel) with 39 stores under the JUMBO brand.