Athens, April 30th 2014
EYDAP SA announces that, in accordance with paragraph of the ASE Regulation and following the Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting Resolution, which took place on April 30th 2014, the Company will distribute a dividend of 0.36 euro per share gross for the fiscal year 2013 and an amount of 0.02 euro per share from tax free reserves, regarding tax free income of 1999, 2000 and 2001 fiscal years.
After the imposition of a 10% tax (euro 0.036 per share, according to Law 4110/2013) the net dividend will amount to 0.324 euro per share plus 0.02 euro per share, i.e. total dividend amount of 0.344 euro per share.
Shareholders of EYDAP S.A. that are entitled to receive dividend for the fiscal year 2013 are those who are registered in the records of the Dematerialized Securities System on Wednesday May 7th 2014 (record date) and consequently ex-dividend date is Monday, May 5th 2014.
Dividend payment will take place on Tuesday, May 13th 2014, from “Piraeus Bank”, as follows:
- Through the operators of the Greek Dematerialized Securities System (DSS/SAT) in accordance with the new distribution procedure as stated in paragraph, paragraph 5.5 of ASE Regulation and in Article 39 of DSS Regulation.
- Through the branch network of the Piraeus Bank for the Shareholders who have requested an exemption from their DSS/SAT Operator and those whose shares are transferred to a Special Account of their Investor Share.
- For the shareholders who have not been able to be credited by their DSS/SAT operator, dividend may be collected from the branch network of Piraeus Bank.
Dividend collection for shareholders of cases 2 and 3 will be possible for five (5) years (i.e. until it's been written off), and is effected by disclosing the DSS/SAT (Securities Account Number of the Investor), proof of official identification and Tax Registration Number, either in person or with a legally designated representative.
For further information, please contact Shareholders and Investor Relations Department of EYDAP S.A., Mrs. Afroditi Katsouda (tel.: +30 210 214 4400 – 01).