2003 Net Profit Up 38%

ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA net profit after tax rose in 2003 to Euro 7.6 million from Euro 5.5 million last year, an increase of 38%. Results in 2003 and 2002 include extraordinary profits of Euro 1.8 million and Euro 1.3 million respectively , from real estate sales.

Moreover, in 2003 shareholder equity was boosted by Euro 32 million, following marking to market of real estate assets as provided for by law 3229/2004.

Turnover reached Euro 15.9 million (+1.5% from 2002) while costs declined by 12.6% as a result of operational restructuring.

The Board of Directors of ALPHA ASTIKA AKINITA has resolved to recommend approval by the General Assembly of a dividend of Euro 0.20 per share, the same as last year.