Voting rights >= 5%
Shareholder | % Vot. Rights Shares | % Vot. Rights Financial Instr. | % Total Vot. Rights | Date of change | Reason for change | Notes | |
PERISTERIS GEORGIOS | 29.9676 | - | 29.9676 | 2024.01.19 | - |
Shareholder | % Vot. Rights Shares | % Vot. Rights Financial Instr. | % Total Vot. Rights | Date of change | Reason for change | Notes | |
KREMYDAS GEORGIOS | 20.6600 | - | 20.6600 | 2007.09.27 |
KREMYDAS PANAGIOTIS | 10.9400 | - | 10.9400 | 2007.09.30 | - |
MPAMIS FILIPPOS | 10.2400 | - | 10.2400 | 2007.09.30 | - |
KREMYDAS KON/NOS | 10.0500 | - | 10.0500 | 2008.04.10 |
M.G. XRYSAFIDIS S.A. | 10.0300 | - | 10.0300 | 2022.03.16 | - |
Shareholder | % Vot. Rights Shares | % Vot. Rights Financial Instr. | % Total Vot. Rights | Date of change | Reason for change | Notes | |
GR. SARANTIS, KYR. SARANTIS, AIK. SARANTI, HAWKEYE HOLDING LTD | 55.4980 | - | 55.4980 | 2023.08.01 | Corporate Action | The percentage above is held directly and indirectly by GIRGORIS P. SARANTIS , KYRIAKOS P. SARANTIS , AIKATERINI P. SARANTI , HAWKEYE HOLDING LTD, SKYLUX S.A., RIGATTE S.A., ZALEK S.A., TEMPUS REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LTD, LENIDI S.A., GRIGORIS K. SARANTIS & ELPINIKI K. SARANTI. More details you can find in the company's announcement on 01/08/2023. |
FMR LLC | 10.4500 | - | 10.4500 | 2023.08.01 | Corporate Action |
Shareholder | % Vot. Rights Shares | % Vot. Rights Financial Instr. | % Total Vot. Rights | Date of change | Reason for change | Notes | |
VALEA FOUNDATION | 50.1800 | - | 50.1800 | 2023.08.28 | Change in the Control of Vot. Rights | VALEA FOUNDATION is the sole shareholder of Valea Holding AG. Valea Holding AG is the sole shareholder of KKCG Holding AG. KKCG Holding AG is the sole shareholder of KKCG AG. KKCG AG directly holds all shares of Allwyn AG through which it exercises sole control over Allwyn AG. Allwyn AG is the sole shareholder of Allwyn International a.s. Allwyn International a.s. directly held 16.63% of the shares and voting rights in the Issuer. In addition, Allwyn International a.s. holds all shares and voting rights in Allwyn Greece & Cyprus Holding 2 Ltd. Allwyn Greece & Cyprus Holding 2 Ltd is the only entity having voting rights in Allwyn Greece & Cyprus Holding Ltd. Allwyn Greece & Cyprus Holding Ltd directly held 33.55% of the shares and voting rights in the issuer. In total, VALEA FOUNDATION, indirectly controls 50.18% of the total share capital and voting rights of the Issuer. |
Shareholder | % Vot. Rights Shares | % Vot. Rights Financial Instr. | % Total Vot. Rights | Date of change | Reason for change | Notes | |
SMALLCAP WORLD FUND | 5.0900 | - | 5.0900 | 2021.07.07 | Exceeding 5% |
Ιn this section you may find the changes in Voting Rights of shareholders of companies listed on the
ATHEX Markets as of 05/12/2016. The data appearing originate from disclosures of the listed companies regarding information
received from their shareholders, as to either the purchase, or the sale, or the exercise of significant percentages of voting
rights, according to the current legislation. The listed Issuers and the concerned shareholders are solely responsible for the
accuracy of the disclosed information. The notes clarifying the changes in Voting Rights are currently available only in Greek.
Regarding historical data please see here.