
Type of Announcement
Title Date
Report of the Board of Directors on the Share Capital Increase of "TRASTOR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY"
Trastor to raise up to Euro 75mn to fund new real estate asset investments
Decision for Rights' Issue
Sale of a five-storey property at Volos, Magnesia
Issuance of Tax Compliance Report
Constitution of the new Board of Directors in a Body & Appointment of Committees Members
Resolutions and Cast of Votes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders
Authorization for transactions with a related party under article 101 par. 2 of Law 4548/2018
Invitation of Shareholders to the Extraordinary General Meeting
Trastor REIC announces significant revenue increase for H1, 2023
Signing of a Preliminary SPA for the acquisition of a Soci?t? Anonyme owner of two storage and distribution facilities at Aspropyrgos, Attica
Acquisition of two properties in Attica