
Type of Announcement
Title Date
Announcement 1769/2022 (no English translation available)
Profile: Historical record high in revenues for 2021 & Powerful projection for 2022
Announcement 1653/2022 (no English translation available)
RiskAvert enriched with new capabilities for NPE and IRRBB ahead of final regulatory announcement
Announcement 1612/2022 (no English translation available)
Announcement 1538/2022 (no English translation available)
Announcement 1460/2022 (no English translation available)
Finuevo Digital: Onboarding process launched
Announcement 1382/2022 (no English translation available)
FinTech, Cirdan Capital Selects Axia by Profile to advance their operations
Profile: Historical record high in revenues for 2021
Announcement 1291/2022 (no English translation available)