Issuer Data Corner

HELLENiQ ENERGY Holdings Societe Anonyme

Traded on ATHEX


Type of Announcement
Title Date
New gas discovery in Libya
(no English translation available)
(no English translation available)
Approval of the establishment of a subsidiary company under the name ΗΕLLENIC PETROLEUM RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES SA
(no English translation available)
Approval of the establishment of a subsidiary company under the name ΗΕLLENIC PETROLEUM RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES SA
Financial results for the first 6 month period of 2006 (In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards)
Regulation of Stock Exchange, Article 275(9c) and Article 292(2b) - Schedule of intended acts
Announcement of interim dividend payment for the financial year 2006
(no English translation available)
(no English translation available)
Half-Year 2006 Financial Results