Regulations & Resolutions

Title Description Type
ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 8

It has been abolished according to the Stock Markets Steering Committee decision on 25/07/2016.

ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 7

Additional information provided by companies admitted to the Alternative Market of ATHEX, as approved by the decision dated 23-10-2008 of the Board of Directors of ATHEX.

Amendment: 29-03-2019

Effective as of: Its posting on the

ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 6

"Establishment of an Evaluation Committee for companies seeking admission to the Alternative Market (ENA)", as amended by the decision dated 18-12-2019 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee of ATHEX.

Amendment: 09-09-2020

Effective as of: Its posting on the

ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 5

"Schedule of fees of the Alternative Market of ATHEX" as approved by the Board of Directors of ATHEX at its meeting of 28-6-2007 and amended at its meetings of 29-1-2009, 24-6-2010, 24-11-2011, 7-11-2013 and 26-5-2016.

Amendment: 29-03-2019

Effective as of: Its posting on the


ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 4

Procedure and supporting documents for corporate actions and the resumption of trading of shares of companies admitted to the Alternative Market of ATHEX, as replaced by the resolution dated 29-03-2019 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee of ATHEX.

Amendment: 29-03-2019

Effective as of: Its posting on the

ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 3

Content of Admission Document for Admission to Trading on the Alternative Market of ATHEX, as replaced by the resolution dated 29-03-2019 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee of ATHEX.

Amendment: 29-03-2019

Effective as of: Its posting on the

ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 2

Procedure and supporting documents for the admission to trading of transferable securities on the Alternative Market of ATHEX, as replaced by the resolution dated 29-03-2019 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee of ATHEX.

Amendment: 29-03-2019

Effective as of: Its posting on the

ATHEX Resolution Alternative Market 1

Acceptance criteria, conditions and supporting documents for acquiring the capacity of Alternative Market (ENA) Nominated Adviser, as replaced by the resolution dated 29-03-2019 of the Stock Markets Steering Committee of ATHEX.

Amendment: 29-03-2019

Effective as of: Its posting on the

Archived Regulatory Documents