Experts Roundtable


Thursday 27 March 2014

Working Language: English

The scope of the roundtable is to discuss legislative and non-legislative initiatives as a follow-up to the Action Plan on EU Company Law and Corporate Governance, adopted in 2012, with a retrospective that begins with the Commission's 2003 Action Plan. Also included in the scope of the roundtable will be a brainstorming on what are potentially, the next steps that the Commission could undertake.

The roundtable is intended to be informal in order to spawn open and constructive dialogue. Stakeholders in attendance will include international institutions, institutional and private investors, board members and executive management, legal counsel, business associations, regulators, corporate governance practitioners and academics, among others. 


11:30 Ward Mohlmann, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Internal Market and Services, European Commission, "Looking Back and Looking Forward: The Development of the European Corporate Governance Framework"

Starting with the European Commission's 2003 Action Plan on Company Law and Corporate Governance, Ward Mohlmann will present the state of play on the delivery of the 2012 Action Plan (diversity in company boards, shareholder rights directive, comply or explain approach, acting in concert) and will reflect on potential future topics. 

Roundtable attendees will put forth suggested topics for the next EU Presidency, while the tone of the discussion will be set by the European Commission. In addition, attendees are invited to suggest new subjects that may be tabled at the next European Commission e.g. non-listed companies, family companies, ESG issues, and the cultural dimension of corporate governance.

12:00 Peter Montagnon, Associate Director, Institute of Business Ethics, will launch and facilitate the discussion: Response to the European Commission presentation        

13:00 Light lunch buffet

14:00 Leena Linnainmaa, Deputy Chief Executive, Finland Chamber of Commerce, will   open the first discussion: "Corporate Governance in Concentrated Ownership and Family-controlled Structures"     

Facilitator Peter Montagnon

14:45 Pedro Oliveira, Adviser Corporate Governance and Company Law,   BUSINESSEUROPE, will open the second discussion:  "How Can Corporate Governance Culture be Achieved?"

          Facilitator Peter Montagnon

15:30 Close 





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