Registry Services
AXIAsms-email service is provided by ATHEXCSD to Participants, who may register investors - holders of Securities Accounts in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS), in order to receive directly from ATHEXCSD, for purposes of increased transparency, notifications via email and/or sms regarding the following:
- Start, change or termination of the registration of beneficiaries in the service
- Change in the details of the Client investor share code and the Securities Account of the beneficiaries in the DSS
- Change of the beneficiaries' portfolio in the Securities Account in the DSS.
he registration of investors to the service is carried out by the relevant Participants in the DSS.
Through the registration of the beneficiaries of Securities Accounts in the AXIAsms-email service, the relevant Participants are provided with the possibility of a reduced annual regular fees to the Investment Services Guarantee Fund .
«Terms of use of the AXIAsms-email Service»
«Terms of personal data protection during the provision of the AXIASMS service»