What is LEI code and how it is issued?

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code is a 20 digit alphanumerical code used while reporting transactions, allowing the clear and unique identification of legal Entities participating in the financial markets.
It is issued by certified organisations Local Operating Units (LOUs), according to ISO17442 standard. The supervising authority, Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee (LEIROC - www.leiroc.org), which has been established according to the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board, coordinates and supervises the issuance of LEI codes. The LEI Issuance is tracked by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF).

LEI data are public. The certified LOUs are required to be able to search for the relevant code of every concerned entity according to various criteria. Additionally, involved Legal Entities should access the public database https://www.gleif.org which gathers data from all the LOUs and disseminates them free of charge, in order to certify that they do not already hold a LEI code, prior to proceeding with a LEI issuance request.

Who should obtain a LEI code?

According to the existing legal framework, the obligation of using an active LEI code concerns:

  • Trade Reporting, as required by EMIR. The obligated entities are the legal entities dealing in derivative products and their clearing members.
  • the demand of the European Banking Authority and the Bank of Greece, according to which, all supervised entities, namely the Credit Institutions and their subsidiaries, should obtain a LEI code.
  • the demand of the Credit and Insurance Committee of Bank of Greece, according to which all insurance and reinsurance entities which have their registered office in Greece or are located in a country outside the EU and operate in Greece to have a LEI code (Government Gazette B 3497 / 29.12.2014 ).
  • the obligation of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 (CSDR) of the European Parliament and of the Council, according to which all participants-members of the Athens Exchange Group companies (ATHEXGROUP), i.e. ATHEX Members, ATHEXClear Members and ATHEXCSD Operators, as well as the securities Issuers should obtain a LEI code.
  • the demand of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR), according to which from 03/01/2018 all legal entities described in detail in the note of ESMA (ESMA 70-145-238/09, October 2017) should obtain a LEI code, in order to carry out transactions.

Description of ΑΧΙAlei services provided for issuing LEI codes

The Athens Exchange Group through the AxiaLei service provides the obligated legal entities (Members and their clients) with the ability to obtain a LEI code under the assisted registration procedure. The service is provided by "Hellenic Central Securities Depository SA (ATHEXCSD)" member of the Athens Stock Exchange Group, in cooperation with the London Stock Exchange Group (L.S.E.) through the company "LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE LEI LIMITED (LSA LEI)".

Specifically, the following services are provided:

1. Issue of a LEI code, which includes the following:
  • The electronic submission of the relevant application (APP051) by the legal entity to ATHEXCSD, via e-mail to axialei@athexgroup.gr, sealed and signed by the legal representative of the legal entity, enclosing the following (in digital form PDF or JPG):
    • Certificate of the legal entity's record in the relevant Registry.
    • Document that certifies the legal representative of the legal entity from the relevant Registry, or a certified copy of the Board of Director's relevant record.
    • Provided that the legal entity participates in a group of companies, documents describing the composition of the legal entities of the group are also provided.
  • The payment on behalf of the Legal Entity of the ATHEXCSD fees concerning the Lei code issue. As of 01/07/2019 the fees are €64.00 (plus VAT 24%) or €79.36 (incl. VAT 24%).
  • Informing the Legal Entity, via email, of the issue of the LEI code and the relevant invoice, within 2 days from the payment of the ATHEXCSD fees.
  • Within 2 days from the submission of the above documents, the original documents should be mailed by post to:

ATHINON AVE. 110, 10442 Athens, Greece
Attn: Accounts & Registry Services Department - ΑΧΙΑlei service

2. Annual LEI code renewal, which includes the following:
  • Informing the obligated entity of the annual renewal of LEI code one month prior to the anniversary date of the issue.
  • The electronic submission of the relevant application (APP053) by the legal entity to ATHEXCSD, via e-mail to axialei@athexgroup.gr, sealed and signed by the legal representative of the legal entity.
  • The payment of the ATHEXCSD fees on behalf of the Legal Entity concerning the LEI code renewal. As of 01/07/2019 the fees are €64.00 (plus VAT 24%) or €79.36 (incl. VAT 24%).
  • Informing the Legal Entity, via email, of the renewal of the LEI code and the relevant invoice, within 2 days from the payment of the ATHEXCSD fees.

3. Transfer of the maintenance of the LEI code, which includes the following:
  • The electronic submission of the relevant application (APP052) by the legal entity to ATHEXCSD, via e-mail to axialei@athexgroup.gr, sealed and signed by the legal representative of the legal entity, enclosing the following (in digital form PDF or JPG):
    • Certificate of the legal entity's record in the relevant Registry.
    • Document that certifies the legal representative of the legal entity from the relevant Registry, or a certified copy of the Board of Director's relevant record.
    • Provided that the legal entity participates in a group of companies, documents describing the composition of the legal entities of the group are also provided.
  • Informing the Legal Entity, via email, of the requested transfer of the LEI code within 5 days from the relevant application.

Note: The service is provided free of charge.

4. Modification of the reference data of an existing LEI code, which includes the following:
  • The electronic submission of the relevant application (APP054) by the legal entity to ATHEXCSD, via e-mail to axialei@athexgroup.gr, sealed and signed by the legal representative of the legal entity, enclosing the following (in digital form PDF or JPG) certification of the modification of the Legal Entity from the relevant Registry, or a certified copy of the Board of Director's relevant record.


  • Every Legal Entity which receives a LEI code is obliged to inform ATHEXCSD of every change in the data of the Legal Entity or the interruption of its operations.
  • The service is provided free of charge.


Fee payment for the LEI services

Payment of ATHEXCSD fees is made via e-banking in the ATHEXCSD financial services section, with the RF code you will receive:

  • In the case of issuing a LEI code, just send the application and supporting documents.
  • In case of LEI code renewal, the RF code is included in the information received for the code renewal one month before the anniversary of the issue.

It should be noted that foreign Legal Entities which are located in EU countries carrying out intra-community transactions are exempted from VAT payment, as long as they are subscribed in the Value Added Tax Information Exchange (VIES) system, as well as foreign legal entities that carry out transactions outside of the intra-community system for trading goods.

For more information, please contact the Accounts & Registry Services Department.




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