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Securities Corporate Actions


Announcement of 2023 Dividend Distribution


Loulis Food Ingredients S.A. (the Company) announces in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Regulations of the Athens Stock Exchange that the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of June 17th, 2024, decided, the distribution of a dividend for the year 2023 amounting to Euro 0.12 (gross) per share, from which 5% tax is withheld, as applicable, and the net dividend payable is Euro 0.114 per share.

The ex-date has been set to July 1st, 2024 and the Beneficiaries of the dividend are the shareholders registered in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) of the “Hellenic Central Securities Depository” on July 2nd, 2024 (record date).

The payment of the dividend to the beneficiaries shall commence on July 5th, 2024.

Payment of the dividend shall be made by the bank “ALPHA BANK SA”, as follows:

1. Through the operators of the beneficiaries in the DSS (Banks and Brokerage Firms), in accordance with the Rulebook of the Hellenic Securities Depository.

2 Especially in cases of dividend payment to heirs of deceased beneficiaries, whose securities are kept in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS under the management of ATHEXCSD, dividend payment process will be carried out after the completion of the legalization of heirs, through ” ALPHA BANK” branch network.

The dividend payment process through the network of ALPHA BANK S.A. will be valid for one (1) year from the date of payment (ie until July 5th, 2025).

After July 5th, 2025, the dividend payment for the year 2023 will be made only by the Company's offices, Shareholder Services Department (tel. +30-2104090165).

Dividends that will not be collected within five (5) years from the end of this year, until December 31st, 2029, will be written off and transferred to the Greek State.



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