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Securities Corporate Actions


Financial Calendar of the Year 2024

In line with to the regular Investors Update and according to articles 4.1.2 (par. 1 case b) and of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, being in force (hereinafter "Regulation"), "PROFILE SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE SA" (hereinafter "Company") announces key dates of the financial calendar for 2024


  • Date of announcement and publication of the Annual Financial Statements of Fiscal Year 2023 (1.1.2023-31.12.2023), prepared in accordance with IAS / IFRS standards: Friday 12 April 2024


  • Annual briefing to analysts, fund managers and investment community at the Greek Institutional Investors Association, Tuesday 30 April 2024.


  • Date of the Annual Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting: Monday 20 May 2024.


  • Year 2023 ex-dividend date is set for Tuesday 4 June 2024.


  • Year 2023 dividend Record date (Company shareholders registered in the electronic files of the Dematerialized Securities System (S.A.T)) is set for Wednesday 5 June 2024.


  • Year 2023 dividend payment date is set for Tuesday 11 June 2024.


Detailed information will be provided by the company with an announcement at a later date.


The Company reserves the right to change the above information, provided that it informs the investor's community in a timely manner by amending this, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation.



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