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Securities Corporate Actions



The 5,130,000  (CR) shares of the company "SOFTWeb - ADAPTIVE I.T. SOLUTIONS S.A." are admitted to trading on the trading category "EN.A. PLUS" of the Alternative Market of ATHEX, under the "Technology" sector. The OASIS Code is "SOFTWEB", the ISIN Code is GRS538003005 and the start price of trading is set at €0.86. There is no floor /ceiling trading limit for the first three days of trading.

The 822,555 new (CR) shares of the company "LAVIPHARM S.A." (GRS246003008) are admitted to trading on the ATHEX, following the recent share capital increase realized as a result of capitalization from the reserve 'distribution of new bonus shares to the company's executives'. On July 23, 2024, the total number of the company's listed shares amounts to 168,691,037 (CR) shares.

The 411,688 new (CR) shares of the company "PREMIA R.E.I.C." (GRS497003012) are admitted to trading on the ATHEX, following the recent share capital increase realized as a result of capitalization from the reserve 'distribution of new bonus shares to the company's executives'. On July 23, 2024, the total number of the company's listed shares amounts to 87,538,850 (CR) shares.

The 66,000 new (CR) shares of the company "PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES IT SOLUTIONS" (GRS505003004) start trading on the Alternative Market of ATHEX following the recent share capital increase realized as a result of capitalization from the reserve 'distribution of new bonus shares to the company's executives'.  On July 23, 2024, the total number of the company's listed shares amounts to 13,968,683 (CR) shares.



The shares of the company "FLOUR MILLS KEPENOS S.A." (GRS438003006) are traded on the Athens Stock Exchange without the amount €0.047 per share. The above dividend amount is subject to the tax imposed on dividends pursuant to the current legislation (net amount: €0.04465 per share).




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