In this page you can find information about the process of participation in the certification examinations that the Education/Certification Service of HELEX organizes.
In order to participate in the exams all candidates must submit, in writing, an application for participation to ATHEX Protocol office.
Applications for participation are considered valid and are accepted only if they are correctly filled in, they are signed, they are accompanied by the documents reffered to in the application for participation (and below also) and have been submited to the ATHEX Protocol office (110, Athinon Ave., Athens, tel. +30 210 33 66 726 and +30 210 33 66 622) until the last day for the submission of applications. After this date, the applications for participations will not be considered as valid and they will not be taken into account. Furthermore, uncertified photocopies of the documents filed with the application will not be taken into account also.
The documents that are required in order the applications for participation to be considered complete and be acceptable from HELEX are the following:
For the STC & DTC certificates:
- Application for the acquirement of the STC DTC certificates (fully completed and signed) (only in greek)
- Type (a1) or (a2) certificate of the HCMC or Bank of Greece
- Photocopy of your identity card or your passport
- Receipt of payment of the ATHEX rights
For the SCSC & DCSC certificates:
- Application for the acquirement of the SCSC DCSC certificates (fully completed and signed) (only in greek)
- Photocopy of your Criminal Record, for general use
- adfadf
- afaf
- Photocopy of your identity card or your passport
- Receipt of payment of the ATHEXClear rights
For more information you can also see the relevant announcement.
Furthermore, in order to be informed for the process of participation in the corresponding certification examinations of the HCMC you can visit its website (only in greek).