Capital Return with reinvestment into shares of the Exchange Traded Fund

Athens 26/07/2011




NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C.


Capital Return with reinvestment into shares of the Exchange Traded Fund




NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C. would like to inform the shareholders of NBGAM ETF ATHEX GENERAL INDEX – DOMESTIC EQUITY that will proceed to return of capital with reinvestment into shares of the aforementioned ETF. Beneficiaries are the shareholders registered to the Dematerialized Securities System at the record date as of 03/08/2010. The amount of capital to be returned, in total and in per share value will be determined by the end of day valuation of the mutual fund in 29/07/2011. As of 01/08/2011, the ETF’s shares will trade in Athens Exchange with a price reduced by the amount of capital returned and without the right to participate to the capital return. The reinvestment of capital will be completed on 04/08/2011 and the number of shares will be determined according to the ETF’s closing price as of that date. The fractional shares will be returned to the shareholders in cash.


The ETF’s new shares will trade in Athens Exchange on 05/08/2011 at which date, the shareholders will be credited with the additional shares. The cash payment of the fractional shares will start on 09/08/2011 and will be carried out by National Bank of Greece according to the following ways:


  1. through the Operators of the shareholders’ accounts in Dematerialized Securities System, provided that they have been authorized to receive such payment by the shareholders, or


  1. through the National Bank of Greece Branch network either in person by presenting a Government issued Identification Card along with a copy of their Dematerialized Security System (DSS/SAT) data or by a third party (authorized representative) by presenting the required letter of delegation, authenticated by an appropriate Greek Legal Authority or Citizen Service Center (KEP).


For further information shareholders are requested to contact NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C. at the telephone numbers: 210 9007400.


NBG Asset Management M.F.M.C.




Composite index



Asset Publisher