Do you have reporting obligations under MiFID II?

ATHEX is launching Approved Publication Arrangement (APA) and Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM) services for enhanced trade publication and transaction reporting!

Are you active or interested in the following markets?

  • Athens Stock Exchange (Securities, Derivatives)
  • Cyprus Stock Exchange
  • ΧΝΕΤ Network & International Markets






Do you belong to one of the following categories?

Banking sector,

Brokerage/investment firms or their partners i.e. brokers, traders, financial analysts, CFOs, IROs,

Individual investors, exclusively via banking institutions or brokerage firms

Financial sites & listed companies

...other category (which covers activity in which you can identify a field of cooperation) 

In this case, your choices is importand to be based on the following characteristics: security, reliability, market knowledge, experience, technology / know-how, combined with flexibility and support from a robust institution, which we can support!


In brief we offer you:

  1. Integrated Order Management System (OMS) for domestic and international markets (which provides control, and orders management), along with market data view.
  2. Independent, integrated system for Market Data Dissemination and financial news

...which provides the following information:

Market data feed of: Addional information on:
  1. Athens Stock Exchange (Securities, Indices, Derivatives)
  2. Cyprus Stock Exchange (Securities, Indices)
  3. Europe Markets - CBOE (Equities & ETF's)
  4. USA Markets - NASDAQ Basic (Equities & ETF's)
  1. Financial news from ANA-MPA, Euro2Day, naftemporiki and news from ATHEX and CSE
  2. Closing prices of international indices
  3. Exchange rates in the basic currencies and pairs of exchange rates in real time
  4. Closing prices of basic commodities
  5. Mutual fund closing prices.





Composite index



Asset Publisher