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Securities Corporate Actions


Organization of the new Board as a Body Corporate

Pursuant to article 2 of the Decision 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, it is hereby announced that the new Board of the Company in its meeting dated 20 June 2024 organized as a Body Corporate as follows:

  1. Vardis J. Vardinoyannis - Chairman, Non-Executive Member
  2. Yannis V. Vardinoyannis - Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Μember
  3. John N. Kosmadakis - Deputy Managing Director, Executive Μember
  4. Petros Τ. Tzannetakis - Deputy Managing Director, Executive Μember
  5. Michael-Matheos I.-E. Stiakakis - Executive Μember
  6. Nikolaos Th. Vardinoyannis – Νon-Executive Μember
  7. Niki D. Stoufi – Non-Executive Member
  8. Panayotis J. Constantaras – Non-Executive / Independent Member
  9. Rania N-P Ekaterinari - Non-Executive / Independent Member
  10. Dimitrios-Antonios  A. Anifantakis - Non-Executive / Independent Member


The term of the above members of the Board is for one year commencing on the next day following their election by the General Assembly and extended to the deadline the next Ordinary General Assembly has to take place and until the relevant decision is taken.

Moreover, the Audit Committee of the Company was organized as a Body Corporate on 20 June 2024 as follows:

Chair: Panayotis J. Constantaras (Non-Executive / Independent BoD Member)


Konstantinos N. Thanopoulos – Independent Third Person

Spyridon X. Kyritsis - Independent Third Person


The term of office of the Audit Committee is for one year i.e. similar to that of the members of the new Board.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors appointed the joint Remuneration & Nomination Committee with responsibilities as stipulated in articles 11 and 12 of the Law 4706/2020. The Remuneration & Nomination Committee consists of the following members:

Chair: Rania N-P Ekaterinari (Non-Executive / Independent Board member)


Dimitrios-Antonios  A. Anifantakis (Non-Executive / Independent Board member)

Niki D. Stoufi (Non-Executive Board member)


Maroussi, 21 June 2024

The Board of Directors



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