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Securities Corporate Actions


Purchase of own shares (14/06/2024)

Quest Holdings S.A. informs the investors that, according to article 49 of the Law 4548/2018 and in compliance with the terms of the Regulation no.2273/2003 of the Commission of the European Communities, as well as by virtue of the Decision of the Regular General Assembly of its Shareholders dated 13/06/2024 and the Decision of the Board of Directors dated 14/06/2024, proceeded on June 14, 2024 through the member of the A.S.E. “Eurobank Equities”, with the purchase of 3.662 Quest Holdings S.A. shares at an average price of 5,31 euro per share and with a total transaction value of 19.441,65 euro.

Following this, the Company holds 1.282.019 own shares, or 1,1957% of the total outstanding shares.



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