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Securities Corporate Actions


Dividend for fiscal year 2023

HELLENIC EXCHANGES-ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE S.A. announces that, in accordance with paragraph of the Rulebook of Athens Exchange, by decision of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of 13 June 2024, the dividend for fiscal year 2023 is EUR0.24 per share. The dividend per share that will be paid is increased by the dividend corresponding to the 2,498,000 shares in treasury stock that are not entitled to the dividend, and amounts to a gross amount of EUR0.25036335 per share.

Beneficiaries of the above dividend based on the record date rule are the client or omnibus accounts of record in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS) on Wednesday 26 June 2024 (ex-date Tuesday 25 June 2024, before the start of trading).

The abovementioned gross dividend amount is subject to a 5% withholding tax (EUR0.01251817 per share), in accordance with the provisions of article 24 of Law 4646/2019, and therefore beneficiaries will receive a net amount of EUR0.23784518 per share.

The dividend will be paid on 1 July 2024 by the HELLENIC CENTRAL SECURITIES DEPOSITORY (ATHEXCSD), through the Participants of the DSS securities account as follows:

  1. Through the Participants of the beneficiaries in the DSS (banks and brokerage companies), in accordance with the ATHEXCSD Rulebook of Operation and the relevant decisions.
  2. In particular, for cases of payments:

a) to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are maintained in the Special Account in the DSS, under ATHEXCSD management in accordance with Section X, Part 2;
b) in cases where the beneficiary holds his/her securities in a SICAV under liquidation or in a special temporary transfer account,

payment of the amounts due will be made: i) through ATHEXCSD for one (1) year starting on the date of payment (to the legal heirs after the completion of their legalization) and ii) through a cash consignment to the Deposit and Consignment Fund (CDF) after one (1) year.



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