Triennial foreign exchange and derivatives survey in 2004

In April 2004, 52 central banks and monetary authorities (among them the Bank of Greece) participated in the above mentioned survey under the co-ordination of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

According to the results of this survey it is noted that the traditional foreign exchange market activity in Greece declined substantially between 2001 and 2004. However, the results of the April 2004 should be put in the context of the financial environment and the geopolitical developments prevailing in 2004. In particular:

The growing role of electronic broking in the spot interbank market, the consolidation in the non-financial sector, as well as the increased intra-eurozone trading seems to have been the main factors explaining this fall in the FX market turnover.

In contrast, over the same period, there has been a significant increase in the use of derivative products in the last three years due to the introduction of euro as well as for hedging of trading risks.

The average daily turnover on traditional foreign exchange activity in April 2004 was USD 4,223 million compared to USD 4,921 million in the same month of 2001.In particular:

- Spot daily turnover in April 2004 was USD 994 million compared to $ 1,993 million in April 2001
- Outright Forward totaled $ 29 million compared to USD 283 million
- Foreign Exchange Swaps totaled $ 3,200 million compared to USD 2,645 million

On the other hand, the average daily turnover on OTC derivatives market activity was USD 228,90 million in April 2004 compared to USD 37,31 million in April 2001.In particular:

- FX OTC Options was USD 54,65 million compared to USD 5,63 million
- FRAs and IR Swaps totaled USD 134,10 million compared to USD 28,26 million and
- IR Options totaled USD 40,15 million compared to USD 3,42 million

Today, participating central banks and monetary authorities are publishing their national results while the BIS is publishing preliminary global results.


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