Treasury shares cancellation

EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. informs the public that, the Bank's A' Repeat Annual General Meeting of April 17rd, 2006, among other issues, resolved to reduce the Bank's share capital, by the amount of 2,593,800.00 euros, by reduction of the total number of shares from 383,971,742 to 383,185,742 common registered shares, due to the cancellation of 786,000 treasury shares, according to article 16 of C.L. 2190/1920. The abovementioned cancelled treasury shares were acquired during the period 22 September 2005 - 7 November 2005, following the decision of the Bank's Annual General Meeting of April 5th, 2005, as well as the Board of Directors' decisions, of 28 June 2005 and 22 September 2005. Following the above reduction, the Bank's share capital amounts to 1,264,512,948.60 euros, divided into 383,185,742 shares, of a nominal value of 3.30 euros each. The K2-9063/2006 decision of the Minister of Development regarding the approval for the amendment of the relevant article of the Articles of Association has been recorded in the Register of Societes Anonymes of the Ministry of Development on 22 June 2006. The Board of Directors of the Athens Exchange at its meeting on 29 June 2006, has been informed of the abovementioned reduction of the share capital due to the cancellation of the Bank's shares. As a result of the above, following the Board of Directors' Decision, trading of the cancelled 786,000 shares on the Athens Exchange will cease as of 5 July 2006. For further information, the shareholders may contact the Bank's Shareholders' Department: 5, Santaroza Str., 105 64 Athens, tel. +30 210 33 57 300.


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