Resolutions General Meeting

In accordance with article 278 of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, INTRALOT notifies you that during the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders of the Company dated August 24th 2006, due to lack of the required by the law quorum, no discussion or decision was resolved on the following issues of the agenda:
1. Issue of convertible bond loan with abolition of the pre-emptive rights of the shareholders and granting of authorization to the Board of Directors for determining the specific terms of the convertible bond loan.
2.Amendment of terms of the program of the options disposal of stocks of the Company to the persons mentioned in paragraph 9 of article 13 of Codified Law 2190/1920, as it was amended and is now in force, which was approved with the decision dated 4.5.2006 of the First Repeat Session of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company shareholders dated 20.04.2005.
The Shareholders will be invited to the First Repeat Assembly in order to discuss and decide on the aforementioned issues of the agenda.
Present 37 shareholders representing 32.779.239 shares with a respective number of votes (quorum rate 42.12%)


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